Submit Your Antiques Store Information

Submission Guidelines

Basic Listing (Free): Submitted store or booth information for the directory goes through an approval process, to help ensure the integrity of the listing; it may take up to 6-9 business days or longer before the information is published. This listing is for antique and collectibles dealers only. Other submissions will not be accepted.

For the directory listing to be accepted in our database, the following information is required. For Boost Your Booth listing, please scroll down.

Contact information
(Except for your name, all other fields will be publicly visible):
  • Your first and last name
  • Your company name
  • Website address
  • Email address
  • What type of store - these are the categories we currently accept - only one type is allowed:
    • Antique Markets
    • Antique Stores
    • Antique Flea Markets
    • Antique Auction Houses
    • Antique Associations
    • Antique Restorations
    • Antique Booth
  • Address (street, city, country, province/state, postal/zip code). If you're listing a booth, please provide the address of the market or mall where it's located.
  • Phone number

Boost Your Booth Listing ($49 USD / Year / Booth): To create your dedicated microsite, your booth listing must include details like a description and photographs. Check out a real Boost Your Booth example for reference.

Such booth listings may take 2-3 weeks or longer to be published after we receive all required content.

Where to Send:
Please send your store or booth information to:
Antique Booth Dealer?

World Class Antiques directory now offers listings for antique markets and mall booths.

  • To get a free basic listing, simply submit all necessary information listed on this page.
  • Want a more comprehensive listing? Just mention 'Boost Your Booth' in your submission email!