Submit Your Event

Submission Guidelines

Please note: Submitted events go through an approval process to help ensure the integrity of the listing. Your event information must be submitted to the World Class Antiques at least 60 days prior to the event. If you need to cancel your event, please contact us at least 20 business days in advance.

For the event to be accepted in our database, the following information is required.

Event's tag line: 10 words or less. Appears on the event page.
Event's short description: 40 words or less. Appears on the listing pages.
Event's long description: 300 words or less. Appears on the event page.
Event's address.

Event's photographs: up to 4 photographs of the following dimensions: width: 800px, height: 800px. At a minimum, the width of each photograph should be 800px.

Events attendees tell us the notable influence of event photographs on their overall experience. Utilizing images from past events, you can effectively highlight the venue, vendors, and available items for purchase. If you're interested in viewing a example of an event featuring photographs, simply click here for an illustrative example.

Contact information: Phone #, Email address, website URL.
Event start and end dates, including hours of operation.
Brochure (if any): Only documents in PDF format are accepted.
Where to Send:
Please send the event information to: