"Pocillovy" hobby so named from the Latin pocillum ovi, meaning a small cup for an egg. Egg cup collectors are called pocillovists.
Plug in a search for antique or vintage egg cups on the Internet and you’ll get a plethora of these pudgy little containers, loved by generations (a silver egg cup was found in the ruins of Pompeii) for serving hard or soft boiled eggs within the shell.
Since the 1980s, vintage egg cups have been gaining in popularity as a collectible, perhaps because of their whimsical designs (many were given away as promotional advertising tchotchka) or surprisingly intricate detailing.
To determine the value of egg cups, a recommended book–which is no longer in print but can still be bought used online–is "Egg Cups: An Illustrated History and Price Guide" by Brenda C. Blake, which gives comprehensive detail on over 2,400 egg cups from 34 countries.
According to Ms. Blake, who covers 29 specialties from Art Deco to Wooden Ware, with egg cups made from all kinds of materials, "there are a few basic guidelines to consider when collecting egg cups. As with any collectible, egg cups are valued according to their age, rarity, maker, condition and the price can range from $1 to $300 for a single cup."
The wonderful thing about egg cup collecting is the range of periods and creative influences that collections can cover. Some collectors divide the cups by size – single egg, double egg, egg + bread, etc. Others by creative or cosmetic factors, such as a plain egg shape with a design versus a container molded into a figurine.
If you’re just getting into pocillovy, egg cups can often be had for a steal at yard sales and flea markets, cast off from larger tableware sets and left unused, just waiting for their chance to shine.
If you are a pocillovist and have vintage egg cups for sale, you can list them in our antiques marketplace, either as an auction, fixed price, or classified ad format. We are offering lower listing fees than eBay and we have a community dedicated to antiques.